Qi (chi) means energy. Gong translates to skillful work. Qigong is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The physical forms and movements of qigong mimic the same forms and movement found by observing nature. By following these natural movements and releasing ourselves to the flow we unlock and free our natural energy pathways. The qigong flows have a meditative quality that are designed to increase strength and mobility, joint health, flexibility and balance. You may have heard of Thai chi; that is the martial arts; Qigong is of the healing arts.
Monday + Tuesday • 7a-5p
(12.24 • CLOSED / 12.31 • 7a-2p)
Wednesday • CLOSED
Thursday + Friday • 7a-5p
(12.26 • 9a-5p)
Saturday + Sunday • 8a-2p
1 Wyoming Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45215
(513) 761-5253